Business for Punks: Break All the Rules--the BrewDog Way

Category: Livres anglais et trangers,Business & Investing,Management & Leadership

Business for Punks: Break All the Rules--the BrewDog Way Details

Forget about building a business—businesses fail and fade into oblivion. Start a revolution instead. James Watt started a rebellion against tasteless mass market beers by founding BrewDog, now one of the world’s best-known and fastest growing craft breweries, famous for beers, bars, and crowdfunding. In this smart, funny book, he shares his story and explains how you too can tear up the rule book and start a company on your own terms. It’s an anarchic, DIY guide to entrepreneurship—and a new manifesto for business. After spending seven years on the high seas of the North Atlantic, James Watt started BrewDog craft brewery in Scotland with his best friend, Martin Dickie. They didn’t have a business plan. All they had was a mis­sion to revolutionize beer drinking and make other people as passionate about craft beer as they are.    They’ve succeeded. Within a few years, BrewDog was huge—a world-famous craft brewery with beer bars around the globe and hundreds of thousands of fans. Those fans became literal backers of their business with the introduction of an unprecedented crowdfunding movement, Equity for Punks. And in rewriting the record books and kickstarting a revolution—James and BrewDog inadvertently forged a whole new approach to business. Business for Punks bottles the essence of James’s methods in an accessible, honest mani­festo. Among his mantras: ·  Cash is motherf*cking king. Cash is the lifeblood of your company. Monitor every penny as if your life depends on it—because it does. ·  Get people to hate you. You won’t win by try­ing to make everyone happy, so don’t bother. Let haters fuel your fire while you focus on your hard-core fans. ·  Steal and bastardize from other fields. Take inspiration freely wherever you find it— except from people in your own industry. ·  Job interviews suck. They never reveal if someone will be a good employee, only how good that person is at interviews. Instead, take them for a test drive and see if they’re passionate and a good culture fit. Business for Punks rethinks conventional business wisdom so you can go beyond the norm. It’s an anarchic, indispensable guide to thriving on your own terms.  



Ce que l'auteur appelle punk, c'est ce que Steve Jobs appelait les "rebelles, les misfits", ceux qui pensent outside the box et ne se contentent pas du statu quo, qui veulent changer le monde. Mais comme le gars est anglais...Ces gens la sont pour moi les vrais entrepreneurs, avec une vision, une mission qu'ils veulent drouler pendant des annes, et pas de simples businessmen opportunistes attirs par les mirages de l'argent facile...Construire sur la dure une grande et belle socit est extrmement complique. Avoir une ide est souvent ce qu'il y a de plus simple. Mais aprs, construire, c'est un millier de petites choses, de petites ou grandes dcisions prendre, tous les niveaux.Ce livre donne pour moi les grandes bases de ce qu'il faut faire. Si vous tes un jeune et vrai entrepreneur, la recherche de grands principes et d'inspirations, il doit tre lu et relu, car les principes de russite qu'il donne sont intemporels et fondamentaux.
